Photo by Ory Minie
Photo by Ory Minie

福冨 博/Hiroshi Fukutomi



大阪出身。14歳から独学でギターを始め、ロック、ポップス等を演奏する。高校卒業後、甲陽音楽院に入学し、ジャズを中心に様々な音楽に触れる。在学中に自己のグループを結成し、オリジナルを中心に演奏活動を始める。その後、バークリー音楽大学に留学する事を決意する。奨学金試験に合格し、2004年秋に同校留学。在学中は様々なコンサートやレコーディングに参加し、2006年にはGuitar Department Achievement Award を受賞。ギターをJon Damian, Bret Willmott, Bruce Saundersに、インプロヴィゼーションをHal Crook、Dave Santroに、アンサンブルをJoe Lovano、George Gazoneに師事。2007年8月完全帰国し、関東を中心に自己のグループ等で活動中。

2010年1月にリーダーアルバム"Rings of Saturn"を発表。 


2014年12月 2ndリーダーアルバム「Memory Stones」発表。


Guitarist and composer Hiroshi Fukutomi was born in Osaka (Japan). He started playing the guitar at the age of 14. After graduating from high school, he entered Koyo Conservatory in Kobe, where he began to study jazz and classical guitar. In 2003, he received a scholarship from Berklee College of Music (Boston), and subsequently entered the school in the fall of 2004. At Berklee, Hiroshi studied under the tuition of Jon Damian, Bret Willmott, Bruce Saunders, Hal Crook, Joe Lovano, George Garzone, Dave Santoro and many other teachers. In 2006, he was awarded the Guitar Department Achievement Award.

Hiroshi is now based in Tokyo, performing, teaching, and leading his own quintet. In 2010, he released his first album entitled "Rings Of Saturn.




"Fukutomi is a sensitive composer who prizes lyricism over virtuosity, resulting in memorable melodies. There's much to appreciate in these instantly appealing tunes and enough hard evidence to suggest it will be worth keeping an eye out for the next instalment."

                                                                       —  Ian Patterson,  All About Jazz